
Only 6% of research articles on sports and exercise science focus on females alone (vs 31% on males alone, and 63% on both without distinction). This means that the recommendations we’ve been getting have not necessarily been tailored to our needs as people who menstruate, who go through hormonal fluctuations, etc. A huge missed opportunity!

Running the workshop on Women’s* Nutrition in Februrary with the adidas APAC family was so important to me. We covered basic nutrition principles, busted common nutrition myths, and most importantly, we addressed the nutrition considerations to take note of at different points of the menstrual cycle.

It was lovely being in a room full of people in the region who have the same shared experiences. The empathy we had for one another was palpable! Thank you adidas for the opportunity and support!

If you’re curious to hear more about the types of workshops we run, get in touch here to find out more. I’d be happy to share more!

*assigned sex at birth




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