Tortang Talong

My mom was a full-time career woman and single parent, so I spent a lot of my time with my nanny – Aunty Imelda. She's from the Philippines, and I learned a ton about Pinoy culture from her. I’d be exposed to a variety of Filipino dishes and it formed a huge part of my growing up!

This eggplant omelette, also known as Tortang Talong, is one of them and easily one of my favourite comfort food that brings back memories of my childhood!

This dish is not only incredibly tasty but a breeze to whip up!

All you need is a couple of eggs and an eggplant, but this time I've added a crunchy twist with some SkyFlakes crackers—another must-have in the Filipino kitchen!

I really enjoyed making (and eating!) this nostalgic dish so give it a try and let me know what you think!




  • 2 eggplants, preferably the slender Asian ones; keep the stems on!

  • 2 tbsp flour

  • 2 eggs (3 if the eggplants are large)

  • ¼ tsp fish sauce

  • 15 SkyFlakes crackers (5x 25g packets), crushed

  • Frying oil


  1. First, roast the eggplants. We want to soften the flesh!

    • If you’re using an oven, prick the eggplants and broil it in the oven (i.e. grill setting) at the top rack for about 10–15 mins, turning them halfway through. In my experience, doing it in the oven makes taking off skin a lot easier. Once done, leave it aside to cool.

    • If you don’t have an oven, you can use your gas stove. Hold the eggplants with a pair of tongs over open fire and turn it from time to time. Do this until the skin is blackened and the eggplant is soft. One way to know is to stick a toothpick into the thickest part of the eggplant – it should enter easily without much resistance. Let the eggplants rest in a bowl, covered.

  2. While the eggplants cool down, prepare your breading station. Have the following ready in separate vessels:

    • Flour

    • Beaten egg, seasoned with fish sauce

    • Crushed SkyFlakes

  3. Once the eggplants are cool enough to handle, carefully peel off the skin. Remember to keep the stem on the entire time!

  4. Using a fork, gently press down the flesh, ‘fanning’ it out.

  5. Dip the eggplant in some flour. Or, you could be a little extra like me, and dust the flour over the eggplant with a sieve. I find this method to result in a more even dusting, without the eggplant taking up too much flour.

  6. Then, dip it in the seasoned eggs.

  7. And finally, dip the eggplant in the SkyFlakes crumbs.

  8. Fry this in hot oil till golden brown on one side, and flip to repeat the same on the other side.

  9. Serve this alongside some rice, ensalada (tomato wedges + raw onion slices), and dipping sauce (see Notes) for the ultimate Filipino experience. Kain tayo!


  • Whip up a dipping sauce with chopped garlic and soy sauce, or go all in with some banana ketchup!


Per serving

Calories: 490kcal
Carbohydrates: 66g
Protein: 18g
Fat: 19g
Sugar: 9g
Sodium: 418.2mg
Fibre: 5g


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