Key Nutrients for Women’s Health

Do you know what are the key nutrients needed for women’s health?

Here are a few that many women globally are not meeting requirements for!


Main role: to maintain strong bones (women are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis)

Tip: we don’t reach our peak bone mass (the greatest amount of bone one can attain) until our late 20s. So if you’re below 20 years old, this is an important time for you - don’t neglect dietary calcium!

Food sources: dark green leafy vegetables, fish with soft edible bones (like sardines), yoghurt, tofu

Folate (folic acid)

Main role: prevent neural tube defects in a foetus during pregnancy. Important for women in their reproductive ages.

Tip: folate is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning it doesnt get stored in the body; so it’s something you need daily.

Food sources: dark green leafy veg, nuts, beans (like kidney beans, lentils), citrus fruits (like oranges, grapefruit)

Omega-3 fats

Main role: development of a baby’s brain and eyes. Studies have shown that diets high in omega-3 can improve a woman’s quality of eggs.

Food sources: oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines—canned versions count too), walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds


Main role: the development of our red blood cells that help carry oxygen throughout the body

Tip: iron is best absorbed with vit C, so pair iron-rich foods with something like a fruit to maximise absorption! Those who menstruate have higher requirements for iron because of our regular losses, so try to have iron-rich foods pre-period. Especially if you have heavy periods!

Food sources: red meat, offal (liver, kidney), seafood, pulses (lentils, chickpeas), dried fruit (prunes)


Heart Health

