Solein - Protein made from Air

I got a glimpse of the future through…. a bar of chocolate!

And what if I told you that you could eat protein made out of the very air we breathe??

You read that right - this snack bar is indeed infused with Solein—a natural protein created from air and electricity!

Here are some fascinating things about it:

🔎 It’s versatile – one day it’s in a chocolate, the next it’s in a salad.

🔎 It’s nutritious – it contains iron, fibre, and B vits, and all 9 amino acids.

🔎 It’s sustainable – it doesn’t require many resources; it emits even lesser greenhouse gases than plants do; no animals are killed in the process.

🔎 It will never run out!


Let’s Talk Nutrition: “Bad Foods”

