My Gift Guide

With everyone in a frenzy getting ready for the end of the year, I thought I’d save you some headspace by sharing a few ideas for what you can get your special someone, a colleague, or as a secret santa gift!

Growing up, gifting wasn’t a big thing in my family. But, when we do gift, it’s something we’d put a lot of thought into. We’d be sure it’s something the receiver will like (read: love), it suits their lifestyle, and that it’ll end up in good use, rather than a white elephant in their homes. 

I carry this practice with me till today, and I feel it’s pretty aligned with my beliefs and practices around sustainability as well.

Find the gift ideas below!


Psst, these are really good to get if you’re short on time. You get them straight to your doorstep!­

Audiobook app subscription:

  • StoryShots (I got gifted this once, and I love it)

Fashion swapping experience:

Movie passes:

Restaurant voucher


For the home/office­

🪴 A plant!



  • Everiday Foods - locally-made pantry staples like chilis, spreads, breads and crackers

  • Greenhood vegetable subscription - a steady supply of fresh, nutritious, locally-grown greens!

  • Grobrix subscription - it is a commitment, but boy does it reap amazing results. Your giftee will love you. You may also use the code TCM100 to get $100 off your subscription. (PS I’d recommend discussing this with your giftee, to make sure this is something they’d like to have)

Better-for-the-planet household items:

  • SOJAO - bedding, bath, loungewear

  • Sunday Bedding - bedding, bath, loungewear

  • OASIS - low- to zero-waste toiletries and skincare products



For fun & games­


  • Nodspark - (P.S. my favourite nail wraps!)

For the little ones:

Or, print a special picture of you and your giftee, and frame it up!

A note on wrapping paper:

Most wrapping papers are recyclable*, so that’s one way of ensuring that you extend the life cycle of the single-use product. You can find your nearest paper recycling bin here - they’re not your blue bins, and bonus: you get to earn cashback as you recycle! 

*unless you get unicorn paper that contain non-paper bits like metallic flakes, velvet cut outs, glitter, or plastic

Alternatively, you can use furoshiki wraps (aka scarves you no longer use) or kraft paper that can later be reused for arts & craft projects.




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