I recently tried Two L(i)ps‘ new range of 5 prebiotic products for the past two weeks and I love how easy they are to use – my current favourites are the sunscreen (Screen) and body balm (Juice). The range is made with gentle ingredients that contain prebiotics, and some are fragranced with frankincense which I LOVE (I remember my mum burning it at home when I was young, so it’s super nostalgic for me!)

As much as we care about how the food we eat affects our gut health, it is just as important to care about what we put on our skin – it is after all our largest organ. And just like our gut, our skin is home to trillions of microorganisms, and they contribute to the health of our skin.⁣⁣ In order to ensure peak skin health, it’s important to nurture the good bacteria on it, and give them the nutrients they need to thrive. This comes through the food we eat, as well as the skincare products we use – hence it’s important to read the ingredients list of skin products too! Without going into too much detail about the science, the prebiotics in the products help to feed the good bacteria that we naturally have, allowing it to thrive and remain resilient.⁣

Best part of it all, the range of products has been dermatologically and gynaecologically tested making it safe for use on all parts of the body, including the delicate vulva region ;)⁣⁣

As we all know, a diet-only or skincare-only approach isn’t enough, so don’t forget to also drink enough water and practice good sleeping and overall hygiene habits!⁣⁣⁣


Asian Food Network


Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment