I read a quote yesterday by Naval Ravikant that deeply resonated with me -
”What looks like work to others but feels like play to you?”


For me, it’s delivering workshops. 

Sure I love creating contents but what truly gives me that high is seeing someone have that ‘penny drops’ moment.

A moment when something clicks into place with their lifestyle, food-ship (yes, this is my new word lol! basically, one’s relationship with food) or their awareness of sustainable choices.


And I had the pleasure of doing all of that with one of my clients, Prudential.

We conducted 3 workshops, during which we explored topics such as Sustainability and Nutrition, Eating for Fullness, and Nutrition Throughout the Life-cycle.

We also tackled the “twin challenge” of personal health and the climate crisis, giving participants practical tools to eat well for themselves AND the planet. I know – it may not seem like it, but these two topics feed into each other.

A big thank you to Prudential for having me!

If you're interested in learning about the workshops we host, feel free to contact us here, and I'll be delighted to share more!


CHANEL Beauty - The Camellia Farm


Cheese Etiquette