Recent Works

Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas


I’m excited to launch Mercedes’ second line of electric cars here in Singapore. More on my experience driving the EQA below!

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Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas


Part 2 of the #SGUnited Content Series on how technology can assist us in the new normal. This time, we’re sharing tips on how to stay safe and vigilant online.

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Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas

Tech Able Singapore

I’m really fond of Tech Able’s work. They’re all about providing assistive technology to improve the quality and ease of living for persons with disabilities. Do check them out at Enabling Village if you’re curious about the gadgets they have, or know of anyone who can benefit from them.

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Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas


A brand new web-series on how technology can help us in this ‘new normal’ we are facing with the COVID-19 pandemic. This is part of the #SGUnited Content Series supported by IMDA to support national efforts to #StayHomeGoDigital and stem COVID-19 infections.

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Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas


Thanks to LG Electronics, we had the chance to experience what it’s like when products like your TV, air purifier, washer and more all work together in tandem with LG ThinQ’s AI.

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Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas Tech Charlotte Mei de Drouas


Ever worried about not driving or parking safely when you’re tired, or just distracted? Here are some safety features in the BMW X7 that will make you a safer driver overall.

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Tech, Travel Charlotte Mei de Drouas Tech, Travel Charlotte Mei de Drouas


Here are some of my favourite apps to help you get around while traveling in 2017! Bonus tips for you guys traveling in South Korea!

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